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Premium Egypt & Jordan

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
16 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 4.598,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Ein Tag bei den unglaublichen Pyramiden von Gizeh ist nur der Anfang. Entdecke das Tal der Könige, Petra und Wadi Rum und erlebe das einzigartige Gefühl, im Toten Meer zu schwimmen.
  • Mit zwei besonderen Aufenthalten erlebst du das Beste aus jedem Land: drei unvergessliche Abende auf einem Nil-Flussschiff und eine Nacht in abgeschiedener Eleganz in einem Luxuscamp im Wadi Rum.
  • Bei den exklusiven Erlebnissen lernst du die Küche des Nahen Ostens kennen. Dazu gehören ein Essen bei einer einheimischen Familie in Kairo, ein Besuch im ältesten Coffeeshop der Stadt und ein Abendessen in einem Beduinenlager, das in einem traditionellen Zarb gekocht wird.
  • Fahre auf einem traditionellen Felukenboot den Nil hinunter und erlebe ein fantastisches exklusives Erlebnis. Genieße einen Drink an Bord und beobachte, wie sich das Leben um dich herum abspielt, während die Sonne untergeht.
  • Lerne die Region auf unvergleichliche Weise kennen, während du mit erfahrenen lokalen Führern reist und Zeit mit den Einheimischen verbringst. Entdecke die nubische Lebensweise bei einer Familie am Nil und tauche bei einem spannenden Abend in ihrem Camp in die Beduinenkultur ein.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 4.598,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Vom Tal der Könige bis zu den ehrfurchtgebietenden Ruinen von Petra - dieses 16-tägige Premium-Abenteuer durch Ägypten und Jordanien zeigt dir die Sphinxen und Gräber aus deiner Kindheit und noch viel mehr. Fahre den Nil hinunter, besuche traditionelle nubische Gemeinschaften, grabe auf antiken Marktplätzen nach obskuren Schätzen und schwimme im Toten Meer. Lass dich von einem leidenschaftlichen Ägyptologen und einem jordanischen Einheimischen führen und erlebe zwei faszinierende Länder so hautnah wie möglich. Diese Tour zeigt dir die ikonischen Stätten, die du im Film gesehen hast, aber auch viele intime Momente mit Einheimischen, die stolz darauf sind, dich in ihre Welt einzuladen.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Cairo! On arrival at the airport, take an included transfer to your hotel. You are free to arrive at any time today before an important welcome meeting, held at 6 pm. If you do arrive early, perhaps get out and explore the busy streets, finding a hole-in-the-wall eatery for a snack like ta’ameya – Egypt’s take on falafel. Or you may wish to make the most of your fabulous hotel – the pool area offers magnificent pyramid views. After your welcome meeting, where you will meet your local leader and fellow travellers, head out for an included dinner with the group. Here your leader will introduce you to the dazzling variety of Egyptian cuisine, known for being fresh, delicious and unique to the country. Best enjoyed when shared, tuck into an array of traditional dishes like fatta, a dish made with rice, bread and meat in a garlic and vinegar sauce, and kushari, a tantalising mixture of pasta, rice, lentils and fried onions.
  2. Tag 2


    This morning, tour the mighty Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx with your small group and expert leader, who is a trained Egyptologist. Seeing these ancient and iconic structures up close is a memory that will stay with you long after your time in Egypt is over. For an additional charge, you may be able to go inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu (or Cheops). After stopping to purchase some lunch, Your adventure continues to the Egyptian Museum, home to one of the world's great collections of ancient artefacts. Wander the treasure-filled halls, and make sure to check out the optional Mummies Hall for a close encounter with some of the country’s most important queens and pharaohs. The masses of gleaming artefacts recovered from the tomb of Tutankhamun are an impressive sight – from jewellery to the famous golden death mask and his gilded sarcophagi, this pharaoh was certainly prepared for the afterlife. Your leader will take you through some of Egypt’s dynastic history, and you will have plenty of time to explore on your own – home to almost 100,000 artefacts, there’s a whole ancient world to uncover.
  3. Tag 3

    Nile Cruise - Aswan

    Catch a morning flight to Aswan – Egypt’s southernmost city. Its relaxed charm is due in no small part to its large Nubian population. Here you will board a Nile riverboat, your Feature Stay accommodation for the next three nights. There’s no better way to soak in the ancient history of the Nile and the incredible sights along its banks. Enjoy all the comforts of a world-class hotel, including a swimming pool, sundeck, restaurant and cabins with panoramic windows to watch riverside life stream by. Travelling by riverboat allows you to get to the heart of each destination while ensuring the journeys in between are every bit as interesting. Travel to Philae Island and visit the beautiful Temple of Isis – the goddess of health, marriage and wisdom – rescued from the rising waters of the Nile and relocated here. Your leader will share stories of the history and changing landscape of the island. Then, board a traditional felucca sailing boat where you can sit back and relax with some drinks as the sun sets over your beautiful surroundings. Stop off at a Nubian village on an island in the middle of the Nile. Walk through the village before sitting down to dinner with a local Nubian family in their home. Enjoy traditional Nubian food, swap stories with your friendly hosts and gain a unique perspective into their way of life.
  4. Tag 4

    Nile Cruise - Edfu

    Enjoy a peaceful morning on board your riverboat, then set out in the afternoon along the river, relaxing in the sun on deck and taking in the desert hills forming a backdrop over the lush riverbanks. Arrive at Kom Ombo Temple, sitting spectacularly on the river’s edge. Your leader will let you in on the secrets of this ancient temple. Built in approximately 181 BC, Kom Ombo is dedicated to two gods – Horus (god of protection) and Sobek (god of fertility, linked to the Nile’s water). Each god has a dedicated section – north or south – and there have been recent discoveries of mummified crocodiles in the Sobek section. Afterwards, return to your riverboat and continue to Edfu where you will dock for the evening.
  5. Tag 5

    Nile Cruise - Luxor

    This morning, you will be moored near Edfu and may have the option to venture independently into town to see the nearby temple. Sail towards Luxor passing through the Esna Locks. You may have to queue to proceed through the locks, but this is a great opportunity to sit back with a drink in hand and observe life on the Nile – listen to the shouts of the many captains as they navigate their way through the various small boats of merchants selling their wares to a captive audience. Arrive at the open-air museum of Luxor – from the spectacular temple complex of Karnak to the Valley of the Kings, Luxor is full of wonderfully preserved reminders of the Pharaohs. Today you'll explore the Karnak Temple. One of the world's most celebrated temple complexes, Karnak is a house of the gods built over a period of some 200 years. Your guided tour of this vast temple of impressive pylons, obelisks and chapels will reveal its finest sections, such as the Avenue of Sphinxes and the Great Temple of Amun.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10

    Dead Sea

  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13

    Wadi Rum

  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


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Leistungen 2024

  • Komfortables Hotel (11 Nächte), Feature Stay (4 Nächte)
  • 14x Frühstück
  • 3x Mittagessen
  • 12x Abendessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Kairo - Willkommensessen
  • Kairo - Pyramiden von Gizeh und die Sphinx
  • Kairo - Ägyptisches Museum
  • Assuan - Besuch eines nubischen Dorfes und Abendessen
  • Assuan - Philae-Tempel
  • Assuan - Getränke bei Sonnenuntergang auf einer Feluke
  • Izbat Al Bayyarah - Kom Ombo-Tempel
  • Luxor - Karnak-Tempel
  • Luxor - Hatschepsut-Tempel
  • Luxor - Tal der Könige (Eingang zu 3 Gräbern)
  • Luxor - Grabmal des Tutanchamun
  • Luxor - Kolosse von Memnon
  • Kairo - Selbstgekochtes Abendessen
  • Kairo - Khan al-Khalili Basar
  • Kairo - Al-Azhar Moschee
  • Kairo - Kaffee/Tee in einem lokalen Cafe
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Amman - Willkommensessen
  • Jerash - Römische Ruinen
  • Amman - Kochkurs und Abendessen
  • Madaba - St. Georges Kirche
  • Mt. Nebo - Besichtigung
  • Shobak - Schloss Shobak
  • Petra - Geführte Tour durch Petra
  • Petra - Besuch von Petra am zweiten Tag (ohne Führung)
  • Wadi Rum - Wüsten-Jeep-Tour
  • Wadi Rum - Zarb Lokales Abendessen
  • Wadi Rum - Wüsten- und Dünenwanderung


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Cairo, Egypt
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