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Galapagos In Focus (Grand Queen Bea)

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 16
8 Tage
von 12 bis 99

ab € 4.322,– p.P.

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  • Erlebe einen echten Vorgeschmack auf die Galapagos-Inseln, indem du über die zentralen und östlichen Inseln segelst und dabei unberührte Wildnis und eine einzigartige Tierwelt entdeckst.
  • Genieße jeden Tag ein Zimmer mit einer neuen Aussicht und erreiche jede Insel im Komfort der mächtigen M/Y Grand Queen Beatriz.
  • Begegne riesigen Galapagos-Schildkröten, Blaufuß- und Maskentölpeln, Pelikanen und Fregattvögeln sowie Land- und Meeresleguanen, Seelöwen, Pelzrobben und vielleicht Delfinen, Walen und Meeresschildkröten.
  • Erlebe die Zeit auf der Insel und erkunde Buchten, Krater und Meeresarme abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade - einer der vielen Vorteile einer kleinen Gruppe.
  • Erlebe die kontrastreichen Landschaften einer Auswahl von Inseln. Vom Sandstrand Espumilla bis zu den vulkanischen Formationen des Pinnacle Rock wirst du die Vielfalt der Galapagos-Inseln kennenlernen.
  • Wenn du an dieser Reise teilnimmst, erfährst du auch etwas über unseren Partner, die Galapagos Conservancy. Mit den Spenden wird das Programm Women in Sustainable Entrepreneurship (WISE) unterstützt, das Kapital für Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen bereitstellt und Unternehmerinnen auf den Galapagos-Inseln stärkt. Intrepid wird die Wirkung verdoppeln, indem alle Spenden, die nach der Reise an die Intrepid Foundation gehen, verdoppelt werden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 4.322,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Isla San Cristobal

    Welcome to San Cristobal in the Galapagos Islands! You will be met at 11am in the arrival hall of the San Cristobal airport by the National Park Guide and transferred to your boat, the M/Y Grand Queen Beatriz – a first-class boat with all of the creature comforts you’ll need. Once on board you will meet your tour leader who will be collecting your insurance details and next of kin information, so please ensure you have all these details to provide to your leader. This afternoon you will travel into the interior of Isla San Cristobal to visit the highlands site of ‘Galapaguera of Cerro Colorado’ (Red Hill) where the national park has established a breeding program and information centre for native tortoises. Here, we will be able to see giant tortoises in their natural habitat and learn all about their origin, evolution and their threatened future. Estimated travel time/distance: Isla San Cristobal (Puerto Baquerizo) to Isla Bartolome: 8 hours (70 nautical miles)
  2. Tag 2

    Bartolome - Bahia Sullivan

    Having cruised overnight, arrive at Bartolome – one of the most spectacular volcanic landscapes in the Galapagos, full of parasitic cones, lava flows, and home to Galapagos penguins and lava lizards. Bartolome is a relatively new island in the archipelago and traces of its volcanic past can be seen everywhere, as seen by the amazing lunar-like landscape. The Pinnacle Rock is one of the most photographed sites in the Galapagos – a rock structure protruding from the earth like a tooth, providing a focal point for two nearby bays. Head to nearby Isla Santiago, where you can hike to the top of a once-active volcano (360 wooden steps) and enjoy superb views across to Sullivan Bay. If you’re in luck, you might catch a glance of the Galapagos Hawk. You also have the opportunity to go snorkelling with plenty of tropical fish, starfish, white-tipped reef sharks, rays and (hopefully) penguins. On Santiago's eastern coast sits James Island. Here, take a walk on Pahoe-Hoe lava, from an eruption that occurred in 1897, and witness the regrowth of unique plant species since the last eruption. Look out for marine iguanas, Sally Lightfoot crabs, sea lions, finches, turtles, sharks and penguins. On a walk, your guide will explain the interesting geological history of the islands. Estimated travel time/distance: Bartolome to Isla Santiago (Sullivan Bay): 0.5 hours (1 nautical mile) Isla Santiago (Sullivan Bay) to Espumilla Beach: 3 hours (25 nautical miles)
  3. Tag 3

    Isla Santiago - Espumilla Beach - Buccaneer Cove - Puerto Egas

    Start the morning at Espumilla Beach, on the northern coast of Santiago in James Bay – one of the most idyllic locations in the Galapagos. With large waves, it is often a favourite among travellers who are beach lovers, and is also an important nesting site for marine turtles. Look around and see Galapagos hawks, ghost crabs, blue-footed boobies (often plunging for fish) and brown pelicans up close. Espumilla is also well known for its forest of palo santo trees and some extraordinary lava formations. You will also visit Caleta Bucanero (Buccaneer Cove), a natural monument of rocks caused by sea erosion. This cove was used by pirates to careen their ships. It is a place of local legends and stories, including where Charles Darwin camped for nine days while making his study of the islands and their wildlife. If conditions are favourable, you can enjoy some further snorkelling. Next stop, Puerto Egas: a black sand beach located on the west side of James Bay and northwest of Santiago. South of the beach is Sugarloaf Volcano, which has deposits of volcanic tuff. This site is named Puerto Egas, after Hector Egas who last attempted to mine salt here. On the walk along the beach, you’ll encounter hundreds of marine iguanas and Galapagos sea lions. You will also see amazing tidal pools formed from ancient lava flow and home to sponges, snails, hermit crabs, barnacles and fish. Snorkelling with the seals always offers the possibility of thrilling encounters. Estimated travel time/distance: Espumilla Beach to Buccaneer Cove: 0.5 hours (1 nautical mile) Buccaneer Cove to Puerto Egas: 0.5 hours (1 nautical mile) Puerto Egas to Puerto Ayora: 7 hours (60 nautical miles)
  4. Tag 4

    Isla Santa Cruz - Charles Darwin Station - Santa Cruz Highlands

    Today you will visit Isla Santa Cruz, the second largest island in the Galapagos. The small town of Puerto Ayora is the economic centre of the archipelago, and home to the Charles Darwin Research Station. As well as undertaking vital conservation work, the station also makes for interesting exploration and offers the best opportunities for close encounters with giant tortoises. You will also see baby tortoises and land iguanas. Afterwards, head up into the highlands for a total change of scenery. Beginning at the coast you'll travel across Santa Cruz through the agricultural region and into the misty forests – the journey taking about 45 minutes. This is a lush humid zone containing miconia bushes, scalesia and inactive volcanic cones. Santa Cruz has more endemic plants than any of the other islands. Plus, you are likely to see Galapagos giant tortoises in their natural habitat, and perhaps even the bright red feathers of a vermillion flycatcher! Estimated travel time/distance: Puerto Ayora to the Highlands: 45 mins by bus Puerto Ayora to Santa Fe: 2 hours (16 nautical miles)
  5. Tag 5

    North Seymour - Isla Mosquera

    Take a morning excursion to North Seymour, which is one of the most visited islands in the Galapagos. The trail on North Seymour crosses inland through the island and then explores the rocky coast. Along the way, the trail passes colonies of blue footed boobies and frigate birds. The magnificent frigate bird, a large black bird with a long wingspan and a hooked beak, is extremely fast and has excellent vision. Frigate birds are known for the large red pouch on their necks. During mating season, the males throw back their heads, inflate the pouch (sometimes to the size of a soccer ball), and shake – trying to capture the attention of female frigates. Boobies and frigates have an interesting relationship. Sharing the same nesting area on North Seymour, blue-footed boobies nest on the ground making their nests from the twigs of the palo santos trees, while the frigate birds nest just above them in the saltbushes. Your walk is followed by snorkelling where you will discover a colourful variety of fish and, possibly, some white-tipped reef sharks, rays and sea lions. After lunch, visit the small sandy island of Mosquera: a relaxing stop situated between Baltra and North Seymour. Along the rocks and in the tide pool, Sally Lightfoot crabs (red lava crabs) scamper back and forth, skipping across small pools of water in search of food. These crabs with their bright red shell tops and blue under shells are stunning against the black lava. The island also has a very large colony of sea lions as well as a sizeable resident brown pelican population. Depending on the tides and visibility, you may have a chance to go snorkelling here. Estimated travel time/distance: North Seymour to Baltra: 4 hours (35 nautical miles) Baltra to Caleta Tortuga: 1 hour (7 nautical miles)
  6. Tag 6

    Black Turtle Cove - Cerro Dragon

  7. Tag 7

    Isla Rabida - Sombrero Chino

  8. Tag 8

    Las Bachas - Isla Baltra

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Leistungen 2024

  • Boot mit Übernachtung (7 Nächte)
  • 7x Frühstück
  • 7x Mittagessen
  • 7x Abendessen
  • Isla San Cristobal - Highlands Walk (1,5 Stunden) - Trockenlandung
  • Isla Santiago - Sullivan Bay - Wanderung (1,5 Stunden) - Trockenlandung
  • Isla Bartolome - Wanderung (1,5 Stunden) - Trockenlandung
  • Isla Bartolome - Schnorcheln (1,5 Stunden)
  • Isla Bartolome - Pangafahrt (30 Min.)
  • Isla Santiago - Puerto Egas - Wanderung (1,45 Stunden) - Nasslandung
  • Isla Santiago - Puerto Egas - Schnorcheln (1 Stunde)
  • Isla Sanitago - Espumilla Beach - Schnorcheln (45 Min.)
  • Isla Sanitago - Strand Espumilla - Wanderung (1,5 Stunden) - Nasslandung
  • Isla Santa Cruz - Besuch der Highlands (1,5 Stunden) - Trockenlandung
  • Isla North Seymour - Wanderung (2 Stunden) - Trockenlandung
  • Isla North Seymour - Schnorcheln (1 Stunde)
  • Isla Mosquera - Schnorcheln (1 Stunde)
  • Isla Mosquera - Strandspaziergang (1,5 Stunden) - Nasslandung
  • Isla Santa Cruz - Black Turtle Cove - Pangafahrt (1,5 Stunden)
  • Isla Santa Cruz - Cerro Dragon - Wanderung (1,5 Stunden) - Trockenlandung
  • Isla Santa Cruz - Cerro Dragon - Schnorcheln oder Schwimmen (1 Stunde)
  • Isla Santiago - Sombrero Chino - Schnorcheln (1 Stunde)
  • Sombrero Chino - Wanderung und Pangafahrt (2 Stunden) - Nasslandung
  • Isla Rabida - Schnorcheln (1 Stunde)
  • Isla Rabida - Wanderung (1,5 Stunden) - Nasslandung
  • Isla Santa Cruz - Bachas Beach Walk (1 Stunde) - Nasses Landen


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Preise gelten ab/bis Isla San Cristobal, Ecuador
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