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Premium Botswana & Namibia

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
17 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 8.208,– p.P.

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  • Genieße Pirschfahrten, geführte Wanderungen und Bootsfahrten im Etoscha-Nationalpark und im berühmten Chobe-Nationalpark, um Tiere zu beobachten.
  • Genieße Pirschfahrten, geführte Wanderungen und Bootsfahrten im Etoscha-Nationalpark und im berühmten Chobe-Nationalpark, um Tiere zu beobachten.
  • ature Stays - ein perfekt gelegenes Camp am Ufer des Sambesi und eine Lodge am Rande des Namib-Naukluft-Nationalparks mit Blick auf die himmlische Wüstenlandschaft.
  • Erklimme die kultige Düne 45, besuche das Damara Living Museum, erkunde die Deadvlei-Salzpfannen und den Sesriem Canyon und genieße eine Exclusive Experience Naturfahrt durch die Wüste von Sesriem.
  • Entdecke die einzigartige Schönheit der Makgadikgadi Pans bei einem exklusiven Erlebnis - einer 4x4-Exkursion durch die weitläufige Landschaft, bei der du bei Sonnenuntergang für Getränke und Snacks anhalten kannst.
  • Erkunde das Labyrinth aus Lagunen, Seen und Flüssen des Okavango-Deltas auf einer traditionellen Mokoro-Bootssafari und genieße dein Mittagessen auf einer der vielen abgelegenen Inseln des Deltas.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 8.208,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2024

Erlebe das Beste von Botswana und Namibia auf einem 17-tägigen Premium-Abenteuer - von himmlischen Landschaften bis zu einer reichen Tierwelt. Halte Ausschau nach Wildtieren im Chobe-Nationalpark, fahre den Sambesi-Fluss hinunter, verbringe Zeit mit einer Erdmännchenfamilie und bewundere die seltsame Schönheit der Makgadikgadi-Pfannen. Bestaune die Wüstenlandschaften von Swakopmund und Sossusvlei, entdecke versteinerte Wälder im Damaraland und suche nach Tieren im riesigen Etosha-Nationalpark. Unter der Führung erfahrener örtlicher Reiseleiter entdeckst du zwei bemerkenswerte Länder, die dich in Staunen versetzen werden.

Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Chobe National Park

    Welcome to Botswana! Your adventure begins at Chobe National Park – one of Africa’s premier wildlife destinations and home to its largest population of Elephants. You will be collected from the airport and transferred to your accommodation on the banks of the Chobe River at the fringe of the national park. Here you will meet your tour leader and small group of fellow travellers for a 6pm welcome meeting. Please look for a note in the hotel lobby or ask the hotel reception where it will take place. After your meeting, join your group and leader for dinner at the lodge. Enjoy a celebration of indigenous food and the rich flavours of Africa as you dine alongside the scenic Chobe River.
  2. Tag 2

    Chobe River (Namibian Side)

    Rise early for a morning game drive in Chobe National Park. You might see elephants drinking at the water's edge, large herds of cape buffaloes and many impalas within the park. Head back to the lodge for breakfast, then journey to the Ngoma Border Post before continuing to the Namibian side of the Chobe River. Here you will find your feature stay accommodation, the fabulous Chobe River Camp, in a prime position across the river from the world-renowned Chobe Nature Reserve. Tented chalets are gorgeously constructed in line with the camp's green philosophy, using indigenous Mopane timber and canvas. Enjoy home comforts in a wild setting, including solar power, en suite bathrooms and a private deck offering unrivalled views of the vast, wildlife-rich bush. Arrive in time for a hearty lunch at the lodge, then enjoy some downtime to relax by the pool, spot wildlife from the bar or soak up the wild surroundings on the banks of the Chobe River. Speak to your leader about some fabulous optional activities for the afternoon, including a canoe trip, guided walking trail or a birding drive.
  3. Tag 3

    Chobe River (Namibian side)

    After breakfast, head out for a full-day cruise on the Chobe River. The privileged position of your camp allows you to access a part of the river that most visitors don’t get to see, which means you’ll have the special opportunity to view abundant wildlife without the crowds. This region offers a wildlife spotting experience like no other – with a bit of luck you will see large herds of elephants, buffalo and antelope. Enjoy lunch and refreshments on and island, explore the channels of the river and dock at a small island to appreciate the diverse bird life. After a memorable day, return to your lodge just in time for sunset – perhaps grab a drink at the bar to watch the changing colours of the spectacular landscape.
  4. Tag 4

    Makgadikgadi Pans

    Heading south, continue your journey to the vast salt flats and grassy plains of the Makgadikgadi Pans. Located in the north-east of Botswana, the Makgadikgadi Pans are situated in the middle of a dry savanna and are all that remain of the former Lake Makgadikgadi. This afternoon, get to know your gold-hued, otherworldly surroundings during a 4x4 excursion. The immense, sprawling salt flat will unfold in front of you as you look out for aardvark, ostriches and mongooses. Surrounded by the Nata sanctuary, a breeding ground for thousands of water birds, the horizon is tinted pink by clouds of flamingos and pelicans. Savour the ethereal landscape as you sit out on the pans and enjoy drinks and snacks as the sun sets. Return to the lodge for dinner and relive the highlights of an exciting day.
  5. Tag 5

    Boteti River

    Embrace a very early start this morning and head out with a packed breakfast in hand. Today’s experience will surely be one to remember. Travel to the edge of the Ntwetwe salt pan, home to a resident family of entertaining Meerkats. With the aid of trackers, arrive in time to observe their morning rituals as the sun rises. Watch the meerkats bask in the morning sun before heading out for their daily foraging – the fantastic conditions and lighting will help you snap an unforgettable picture of these marvellous creatures. Stop at a neighbouring lodge for lunch, then continue to the Boteti River. Another magnificent spot for viewing wildlife, the river attracts some 25,000 zebras each year who migrate from the neighbouring Makgadigadi Pans Game Reserve. As the only permanent source of water in the area, the river also receives visits from lions, cheetah, oryx, springbok, giraffe, elephants and many more. In the evening, retire to your delightful eco-lodge, featuring tented rooms with en suites and solar power.
  6. Tag 6

    Boteti River

  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15

    Etosha National Park

  16. Tag 16

    Etosha National Park

  17. Tag 17


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Leistungen 2024

  • Lodge (12 Nächte), Hotel (4 Nächte)
  • 16x Frühstück
  • 7x Mittagessen
  • 13x Abendessen
  • Chobe - Willkommensessen
  • Chobe National Park - 4x4 Game Drive
  • Sambesi Fluss - Flussfahrt am Morgen
  • Sambesi Fluss - Flussfahrt am Nachmittag
  • Makgadikgadi Pans - Sunset 4x4 Excursion & Sundowner
  • Makgadikgadi Pans - Erdmännchen Pan Experience
  • Okavango Delta - Mokoro-Safari
  • Okavango Delta - Von Experten geführte Buschwanderung
  • Okavango Delta - Ganztägig Mokoro
  • Windhoek - Willkommensessen
  • Sesriem - Geführte Naturfahrt & Sundowner
  • Sesriem - Sossusvlei & Deadvlei Salzpfannenbesuch
  • Sesriem - Besuch der Düne 45
  • Sesriem - Besuch der Sesriem-Schlucht
  • Solitaire - Bäckereibesuch & Apfelkuchenverkostung
  • Swakopmund - Orientierungstour mit dem Reiseleiter
  • Walvis Bay - Besuch
  • Damaraland - Spaziergang bei Sonnenuntergang
  • Damaraland - Twyfelfontein Buschmann-Gemälde
  • Damaraland - Twyfelfontein Heritage Site
  • Damaraland - Versteinerter Wald
  • Damaraland - Lebendiges Museum der Damara
  • Etosha NP - PM Game Drive (4x4)
  • Etosha NP - AM Game Drive (4x4)


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Kasane, Botswana
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