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Eastern Europe Explorer

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
18 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 2.877,– p.P.

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  • Reich an Geschichte, Kunst, Architektur, Küche und Nachtleben ist Budapest ein angesagtes europäisches Reiseziel. Das Museum der Schönen Künste bietet kostenlose Führungen in englischer Sprache an, bei denen die berühmten Kunstwerke von Monet, Manet und Goya gezeigt werden, um nur einige zu nennen.
  • Ein Gastaufenthalt bei einer Familie im sächsischen Dorf Viscri in Rumänien bietet einen Einblick in das Leben der Einheimischen und die Möglichkeit, köstliche hausgemachte Speisen zu probieren
  • Diese Reise führt dich in eine Mischung aus aufregenden Hauptstädten und malerischen Bergdörfern, so dass du die vielen Seiten Osteuropas kennenlernen kannst
  • Siebenbürgen ist durchtränkt von Geschichte und Mythen. Entdecke die mittelalterliche Stadt Sighisoara, den Geburtsort einer der berüchtigtsten Figuren Rumäniens, Vlad der Pfähler - besser bekannt als die Inspiration für Graf Dracula
  • Reise tief in das bewaldete Tal von Rila, um das Kloster des Heiligen Iwan zu finden. Dieses spektakuläre, über 1.000 Jahre alte Gebäude ist eines der wichtigsten kulturellen, historischen und architektonischen Denkmäler Bulgariens.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 2.877,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Lass dich auf dieser Entdeckertour durch die besten und schönsten Regionen von Osteuropa bis zur Türkei verzaubern. Erkunde die fesselnden Städte Budapest, Bukarest, Sofia und Istanbul. Probiere kulinarische Köstlichkeiten bei den Einheimischen in Viscri, lass dich von den traditionellen Handwerksbetrieben in Plowdiw inspirieren, lausche spannenden Mythen aus Siebenbürgen, besuche das malerische Städtchen Bansko am Fuße des Pirin-Gebirges und genieße die transkontinentale Pracht Istanbuls. Dies ist eine Reise voller Kultur und Geschichte, voller Denkmäler, Märkte und Museen, verlockender Orte und charmanter Städte.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Szia! Welcome to Hungary. Since the collapse of communism, Budapest has experienced something of a renaissance. The grand architecture and boulevards evoke a time gone by, while glamorous stores and restaurants make this one of the truly great cities of Europe. After the welcome meeting at 6 pm, you might like to head out to explore the city by night. Perhaps visit the Jewish Quarter for dinner and explore the many options for a nightcap.
  2. Tag 2


    Today enjoy a free day to explore Budapest. Hiring a bike is a great way to move between the sights. Perhaps head to Statue Park to see the communist monuments that were removed from the city after the fall of the Iron Curtain. One unmissable activity is a soak in Budapest's hot thermal baths. There are several around the city, ranging from elegant to simple outdoor types. The pools vary in temperature, and some even feature whirlpools or seats where you can play chess while you turn into a prune. You can wander the pedestrianised streets of the old district of Buda with the castle on the hill and the Matthias Church, then perhaps take a cruise along the Danube, discovering the history that unfolded along the riverbanks. Tonight perhaps discover some of the city’s ‘ruin bars’, cool places to grab a drink that are usually located in abandoned buildings in downtown Pest and are filled with thrift-shop décor and mismatched art.
  3. Tag 3


    Take a two-hour train east to Eger today. This beautifully preserved Baroque town is surrounded by hills and is home to some of the most renowned vineyards in Eastern Europe. Visit the wine cellars of the seductively-named Valley of the Beautiful Women with the group to sample some of the town's famous 'Bull's Blood' red wine, which supposedly gave the Hungarian army supernatural strength during their battle against the Ottoman Empire. Among the Turkish soldiers it was rumoured that the enemy army drank blood diluted with wine, as the firm resistance they encountered couldn't be explained any other way. In your own time, perhaps explore Eger's 13th-century castle, which was the scene of the historic siege that thwarted the Ottoman Empire's advancement into Western Europe. Here you can explore the Gothic Palace, a gallery of fine Hungarian art, and tour underground passageways of archaeological finds. You may also like to check out the town's 19th-century cathedral, the northernmost medieval minaret in Europe for views of the city, or the Minorite church in Dobo Square.
  4. Tag 4

    Debrecen / Maramures

    Travel by bus to the pleasant town of Debrecen today (approximately 3 hours). While here, you'll have time to explore Deri Square with its fountains, colourful buildings, museums, and golden Great Church. Continue on by train and private vehicle across the central plains into the Maramures region of Romania. This second part of the journey should take around six hours. Time in Romania is an hour ahead of Hungary, so don't forget to set your watch. Maramures is also a place that can feel like stepping back in time. The region may be modernising, but among the traditional wooden houses and churches, the traditional music and forests, you can still find parts of life fairly unchanged since medieval times. Upon arrival, settle into your room at the pension, which is run by a local family, and look forward to some hearty home-cooked fare.
  5. Tag 5


    Today you’ll discover more about the region of Maramures ('mah-ra-moo-resh') and how it seems frozen in time. Rich in tradition and folklore, the music, costumes, festivals and ancient superstitions of one of the last peasant cultures in Europe continue to thrive here. Each village is distinctive in its colourful outfits and style of hat. Maramures is particularly famed for its wooden churches, many of which are World Heritage-listed. Set out on a guided group tour to explore the region. You’ll visit the unique Merry Cemetery in Sapanta, where the life stories of the deceased – the good and the bad of their lives – are displayed on colourful wooden crosses. There are poems and limericks, and little pictures illustrating how the person died, all single-handedly carved over 40 years by Stan Ioan Patraş until 1977. The work has continued for the last 30 years by his apprentice. You’ll also see the village museum in Sighetu, an assembly of beautiful local wooden architecture, along with stopping by various other traditional villages.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7


  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9


  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11

    Veliko Tarnovo

  12. Tag 12

    Veliko Tarnovo

  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


  16. Tag 16

    Pirin Mountains / Gorno Draglishte

  17. Tag 17

    Rila / Sofia

  18. Tag 18


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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (14 Nächte), Pension (2 Nächte), Gastfamilie mit Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen (1 Nacht)
  • 14x Frühstück
  • 3x Abendessen
  • Eger - Weinverkostung
  • Maramures - Tagestour mit lokalem Guide
  • Maramures - Sapanta Merry Cemetery
  • Maramures - Barsana-Kloster
  • Viscri - Hausgemachtes Abendessen
  • Viscri - Socken-Projekt
  • Viscri - Befestigte Kirche
  • Schloss Bran - Tour
  • Bukarest - Stadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Veliko Tarnovo - Festung Tsarevets
  • Rila - Klosterbesuch
  • Pirin-Gebirge - Wanderung
  • Rhodopen-Schmalspurbahn
  • Plovdiv-Privater Transfer vom Bahnhof Plovdiv zum Hotel in Plovdiv
  • Plovdiv - Stadtrundgang mit lokalem Guide
  • Istanbul- Privater Transfer vom Istanbuler Busbahnhof zum Istanbuler Hotel
  • Plovdiv- Privater Transfer von Plovdiv Hotel zum Plovdiv Busbahnhof


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Budapest, Hungary
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