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Kangaroo Island Adventure

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
min. 1 / max. 12
5 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.005,– p.P.

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  • Die Insel ist für einige der besten Strände Australiens bekannt - du kannst zwischen den weißen Sandstränden der Emu Bay, der abgeschiedenen Stokes Bay und der berühmten Vivonne Bay wählen.
  • Tauche ein in die Kultur von Kangaroo Island, lerne den Wiederaufbau eines Bootes aus dem Jahr 1803 kennen und besuche einen echten Schaffarmer und seine Kelpie-Hunde.
  • Verbringe einen Vormittag mit einigen der reizvollsten Geschöpfe der Insel, der Seelöwenkolonie, die schon seit Tausenden von Jahren in der Seal Bay lebt.
  • Du wirst dich wie in den Wüsten Nordafrikas fühlen, wenn du die Kleine Sahara besuchst, die mit sanft geschwungenen Sanddünen beeindruckt (du kannst sogar auf ihnen surfen, wenn du dich abenteuerlich fühlst!).
  • Erkunde die einzigartigen Landschaften des Flinders Chase National Park, darunter die natürlich geformten Remarkable Rocks und den dramatischen Admirals Arch.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.005,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2025

Australien ist so echt wie es nur sein kann - Kängurus an jeder Ecke, hoch aufragende Eukalyptusbäume, eine außergewöhnliche Tierwelt und gastfreundliche Einheimische. Verbringe fünf unvergessliche Tage damit, Kangaroo Island mit einem einheimischen Reiseleiter und einer Gruppe neugieriger Reisender zu erkunden und die besten natürlichen und kulturellen Highlights der Insel zu erleben. Triff dich mit einem echten Schafzüchter, surfe auf den Sanddünen und entdecke die natürlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten des Flinders Chase National Park. Wenn du dann noch einige der besten Strände Australiens siehst, steht dir ein großartiges Abenteuer bevor.

Reiseverlauf 2025

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Adelaide / Kangaroo Island

    Welcome to Adelaide, the capital of South Australia and your gateway to the delights of Kangaroo Island. Your adventure begins at Adelaide's Central Bus Station. A welcome meeting will take place here at 11am where you’ll link up with your local leader and the other travellers joining you on this adventure. Find out what’s in store over the coming days, then join your leader for a walk to the Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, a centre dedicated to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and art. Take some time to explore the gallery, before heading to Victoria Square, also known as Tarntanyangga, and learn about this significant spot where the Aboriginal flag was first flown in Australia. Take a wander around the fresh produce stalls of the Adelaide Central Market, then it’s time to leave Adelaide behind. Board a bus bound for Cape Jervis (approximately 2 hours), from where you’ll jump aboard a ferry and travel to Penneshaw on Kangaroo Island (approximately 45 minutes). Be sure to keep an eye out for dolphins swimming alongside the ferry! From the ferry landing it's a short walk to your hotel. After settling in perhaps get to know your group over dinner on the island.
  2. Tag 2

    Kangaroo Island

    Australia’s third-largest island, Kangaroo Island is a veritable paradise for wildlife lovers. It’s not just kangaroos you can find here – wallabies, sea lions, echidnas and koalas are all locals too. Evidence suggests Aboriginal life existed on the island as far back as 16,000 years, but it was uninhabited by the time Europeans arrived in the early 19th century. The island is now home to 4000 people, and today will be spent diving into local culture and history. First up, head to American River (not actually a river, or American, but a little town on the northeast coast of the island), where you’ll find a schooner boat first built in 1803 called “Independence”. Learn about the boat’s history and see how it’s being rebuilt, then pop over to an oyster farm to see how this tasty and sustainable seafood is cultivated. Next up, take a scenic walk through coastal scrub towards the remains of an old fish cannery built at the end of the 19th century, keeping an eye out for the rare and striking glossy-black cockatoos along the way. Head out onto Dudley Peninsula and get a real taste of Aussie culture when you pay a visit to a sheep farm to see how sheep are shorn and meet the owner’s super sweet kelpie dogs. Stop by the Cape Willoughby Lighthouse, the oldest lighthouse in South Australia. If you’re feeling extra adventurous today, you’ll have the chance to climb the 500 steps to the top of Prospect Hill, the highest point on Kangaroo Island. Finally, head to Kingscote, the largest town on the island, check into your motel and put your feet up.
  3. Tag 3

    Kangaroo Island

    After breakfast, swing by Salt Lagoon to snap some pictures of this scenic spot, then continue towards Emu Bay beach. If the group fancies, you’ll have the chance to pop into the Emu Bay Lavender Farm to try some curiously delicious lavender scones. Spend some time stretched out on the white sand or paddling in the pristine, clear waters, then beach hop over to the secluded Stokes Bay, a gorgeous spot for a swim. Early 2020 saw bushfires ravage Kangaroo Island, with the Stokes Bay region being particularly badly hit. The Stokes Bay Community Hall served as a centrepiece for the settlement since 1952, but was completely destroyed by the fires. Today the area is in recovery, and the National Trust is working with the local community to restore the hall, as well as natural habitats for wildlife. After an afternoon on the beach, return to Kingscote and enjoy an evening at leisure.
  4. Tag 4

    Kangaroo Island

    Start the day with a visit to Seal Bay. There are no actual seals here, but there are plenty of sea lions! The sea lion colony you see today has existed at Seal Bay for thousands of years. Join an up close and personal ranger-led wildlife experience which will allow to observe the lives of these endearing creatures as you watch them swim, play and bask in the sun. Continue on to Little Sahara, named for its rippling sand dunes that resemble the North African desert. While here you may have the chance to hire a sandboard and ride your way down the dunes. Next up is something really special – head to Vivonne Bay, which is not only one of the most stunning beaches on Kangaroo Island, but the whole of Australia. Venture into the Flinders Chase National Park and come face to face with the aptly named Remarkable Rocks, made up of naturally sculpted granite boulders. You’ll also check out the impressive Admirals Arch and take some time to explore the park before heading back to Kingscote.
  5. Tag 5

    Kangaroo Island / Adelaide

    Get ready to say goodbye to Kangaroo Island as you make the drive back to Penneshaw and catch the ferry back to the mainland. Dock in Cape Jervis and hop on the bus back to Adelaide (approximately 2 hours). You can expect to arrive back at Adelaide's Central Bus Station at around 11.30am. You may like to join your leader for an optional final lunch at a nearby cafe before your adventure comes to an end.
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Leistungen 2025

  • Hotel (4 Nächte)
  • 3x Frühstück
  • Kangaroo Island - Pinguin-Tour
  • Kangaroo Island - Penneshaw-Skulpturenweg
  • Kangaroo Island - Ganztagesausflug zur Dudley Peninsula
  • Kangaroo Island - Cape Willoughby Leuchtturm
  • Kangaroo Island - Schafschur und Schafhund-Erlebnis
  • Kangaroo Island - Honigfarm
  • Kangaroo Island - Eukalyptusöl-Destillerie
  • Kangaroo Island - KI Community Gallery
  • Kangaroo Island - Ganztagesausflug zur Emu Bay & Stokes Bay
  • Kangaroo Island - Flinders Chase NP Inklusive Remarkable Rocks & Admiral's Arch
  • Kangaroo Island - Seal Bay Wildlife Experience mit einem lokalen Ranger
  • Kangaroo Island - Vivonne Bay & Little Sahara
  • Kangaroo Island - American River "Rebuild Independence" Bootshausbesuch
  • Kangaroo Island - American River Buschwanderung


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Preise gelten ab/bis Adelaide, Australia
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