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Sydney to Brisbane Adventure

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 16
7 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 1.412,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Beginne deine Reise in Sydney - Australiens inoffizieller Hauptstadt mit der Harbour Bridge, dem belebten Stadtzentrum, vielen coolen Restaurants und Bars und natürlich dem Opernhaus!
  • Nimm an einem geführten Rundgang um The Rocks mit einem örtlichen Aborigine-Guide teil, der dir die Geschichte der First Nations, das Träumen und die spirituelle Verbindung zum Land näher bringt, während du die herrliche Aussicht auf den Hafen genießt.
  • Halte auf dem Weg zu einer Weinverkostung im Hunter Valley - einer malerischen Region in den ländlichen Hügeln von New South Wales - Ausschau nach Kängurus und mache dann eine leichte Wanderung durch den Crowdy Bay National Park.
  • Tritt in Kontakt mit Australiens Wildnis und Tierwelt. Triff niedliche Koalas in einem Tierkrankenhaus, halte in der richtigen Jahreszeit Ausschau nach Walen und erkunde den Regenwald und die Wasserfälle im Dorrigo National Park.
  • Genieße eine geführte Seekajaktour durch den Byron Bay Marine Park. Bewundere die Schönheit der Küste, halte Ausschau nach Delfinen, Schildkröten und Walen und lerne etwas über die Meeresbiologie.
  • Auf dieser Reise lernst du unseren Intrepid Foundation-Partner Greening Australia kennen. Spenden helfen ihnen, die komplexen ökologischen Herausforderungen Australiens zu bewältigen und Landschaften in großem Maßstab wiederherzustellen - auf eine Weise, die für die Gemeinden, die Wirtschaft und die Natur funktioniert. Intrepid wird die Wirkung verdoppeln, indem alle Spenden, die nach der Reise an die Intrepid Foundation gehen, verdoppelt werden.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 1.412,– p.P.

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Reisebeschreibung 2027

Erforsche die Wildnis, entdecke wilde Tiere und probiere Weine auf einem siebentägigen Abenteuer von der ikonischen Stadtlandschaft Sydneys nach Queenslands Hauptstadt Brisbane. Erkunde das malerische Hunter Valley - eine der beliebtesten Weinregionen Australiens - und besuche die niedlichen Koalas in einem Tierkrankenhaus bei Port Macquarie. Lass es dir in der lebhaften Strandstadt Byron gut gehen, fahre mit dem Kajak durch den Byron Bay Marine Park und lerne von lokalen Aborigine-Führern etwas über die Geschichte der First Nations. Von uralten Wäldern bis hin zu beliebten Surfzentren - mach einen entspannten Roadtrip, der in nur einer Woche alle Highlights abdeckt.

Reiseverlauf 2027

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1

    Byron Bay - Yamba

    Welcome to New South Wales! Your adventure begins in Byron Bay with a welcome meeting at 8am at the Byron Bay Visitor Centre. Here you’ll meet up with your local leader and fellow travellers. Early risers may like to head out before the meeting to watch one of the bay’s famous sunrises. After your meeting, you will be welcomed to the land by a highly respected Arakwal Bumberbin Bundjalung First Nations elder. Learn about the rich culture and customs that run through the Northern Rivers region and the importance of the natural elements of the land. You will be able to carry this knowledge with you and see the respect for the First Nation’s culture in the landscapes you explore. Continue on to Yamba, a delightful fishing town with a laidback atmosphere. Here you’ll spend the night at a charming hotel perched on a cliff overlooking the ocean, a perfect spot for soaking in the spectacular scenery.
  2. Tag 2

    Coffs Harbour - Bellingen

    Hit the road again and travel down to Coffs Harbour. This city is famous for its Big Banana monument, but its gorgeous beaches and abundant marine wildlife are the real stars of the show. Off the coast you’ll find the Solitary Islands Marine Park, and while here you’ll join a local guide for a stand up paddleboarding experience and see the region through the eyes of the Gumbaynggirr people. Back on dry land, venture inland and come upon Bellingen, or “Bello” as it’s affectionally known to the locals. Tucked away among emerald hills, this little country town has a modern outlook – it’s easy to spend an afternoon exploring trendy boutiques, wholefood cafes and quirky craft markets. Settle into your lodge accommodation and meet the alpacas who live on the property, then perhaps check out the excellent on-site restaurant run by a celebrated local chef.
  3. Tag 3

    Dorrigo National Park - Bellingen

    Today will be spent exploring the magic of Dorrigo National Park. It’s a wonder this ancient Gondwana rainforest isn’t better known, but that’s lucky for you – exploring without the crowds allows you to really connect with this magnificent natural landscape. Join your local leader on a gentle walk through lush rainforest as they let you in on the secrets of the flora and fauna within the park. Listen out for the call of lyrebirds and keep an eye out for Australian brush turkeys. Come upon the Crystal Shower Falls, a stunning cascade of water tumbling into a pool below, then continue along to the end of the track. There may be the chance for a picnic lunch after your walk, so you may like to bring some snacks along with you. The rest of the afternoon is yours for further explorations, perhaps head out kayaking on the Bellinger River.
  4. Tag 4

    Brunswick Heads

    This morning you’ll pay a visit to Synchronicity farm, a social enterprise focused on promoting local and seasonal produce for health and environmental benefits. Explore the farm's gardens and workshops on a guided tour while learning about their mission, then return to the road and head north. If the days line up, you may stop off at a local community or farmers market on your travels, or perhaps pause to marvel at the historic Protesters Falls or Minyon Falls. The area is rich with creative enterprises and you may like to swing by local designers, artisans, brewers, bakers or coffee roasters as you amble through the hinterland villages. Arrive at the small coastal town of Brunswick Heads and settle into your old-school retro inspired accommodation. This evening you may like to dine at the iconic Hotel Brunswick, take a stroll along the beach or tuck into some fish and chips.
  5. Tag 5

    Brunswick Heads - Tweed Heads

    Rise and shine! Set out this morning to explore the Brunswick River on an exciting kayaking adventure. Join a First Nations nature enthusiast who will guide you around Brunswick Heads and past a series of beautiful river beaches. Your guide will point out fascinating wildlife as you paddle – it’s common to see turtles, fish, stingrays and even dolphins. Learn about the indigenous culture of the region, hear about ancient stories and customs passed down through generations and find out how the First Nation tribes lived off the land. Take some time out on the riverbank to relax or cool off with a swim in the clear blue waters. Later in the day, drive through more scenic hinterland the town of Tweed Heads, boasting amazing views of Mt Warning. On arrival, perhaps pay a visit to a local art gallery, explore the quaint nearby towns of Burringbar and Uki, or take a walk along one of the sprawling beaches around Pottsville. Tonight, you may like to head out for a final dinner as a group and look back on all you’ve seen and done.
  6. Tag 6

    Tweed Heads

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Leistungen 2027

  • Hotel (2 Nächte), Hütten (4 Nächte)
  • 1x Frühstück
  • 1x Abendessen
  • Hunter Valley - Brennerei-Verkostung
  • Sydney - The Rocks Dreaming Walking Tour mit Aborigine-Führer
  • Crowdy Bay National Park - Kurzwanderung
  • Hunter Valley - Weingut Tour & Verkostung
  • Port Macquarie - Führung durch das Koala-Krankenhaus
  • Dorrigo National Park - Kurze Wanderung
  • Dorrigo National Park - Regenwaldzentrum & Skywalk
  • Coffs Harbour - Red Rock Gumbaynggirr First Nations Erlebnis
  • Byron Bay - Seekajaktour
  • Byron Bay - Leuchtturm Spaziergang
  • Springbrook National Park - Natürliche Brücke
  • Byron Bay - Die Farm besuchen


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