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Premium Peru, Chile & Argentina

Rundreise internationale Kleingruppe

Zertifizierter Partner
Reisejahr auswählen:
min. 1 / max. 12
18 Tage
von 15 bis 99

ab € 6.836,– p.P.

Termine Anzeigen


  • Erlebe die berühmtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten Perus während eines unvergesslichen Tages mit Wildtieraktivitäten im Amazonasdschungel und zwei geführten Besuchen des bemerkenswerten Machu Picchu - mit dem malerischen 360-Zug erreicht, lässt dich dieses exklusive Erlebnis in die Landschaft eintauchen.
  • Nimm deine Geschmacksnerven mit auf eine Reise mit Exklusive Erlebnisse, darunter Bodega-Verkostungen in Santiago, Chorrillana in Valparaiso, eine von Experten geführte Weingutstour in Mendoza, eine Kaffeepause im Sozialunternehmen Manos Unidas in Cusco und ein traditionelles Andenessen im Heiligen Tal.
  • Erlebe die verschiedenen Seiten von Peru und Chile mit zwei besonderen Aufenthalten. Schlafe inmitten der Natur des Amazonas-Regenwaldes in einer indigenen Lodge und übernachte in einem spektakulären historischen Haus in der Innenstadt von Santiago.
  • Entdecke das wahre Buenos Aires bei exklusiven Erlebnissen - ein traditionelles Asado-Schmaus im Haus eines Einheimischen, eine lebhafte Tangostunde mit zwei professionellen Tänzern und eine Insider-Tagestour durch das El Tigre Delta.
  • Lerne die lokale Kultur bei exklusiven Erlebnissen kennen, z.B. bei Begegnungen mit den Ese Eja- und Chichubamba-Gemeinden, und erkunde mit erfahrenen Führern Cusco, Ollantaytambo und Machu Picchu.


Diese Reise wird von einem zertifizierten Reiseveranstalter durchgeführt.

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ab € 6.836,– p.P.

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Reiseverlauf 2024

Alle Reisetage Einklappen
  1. Tag 1


    Welcome to Peru! Your adventure begins in Lima, where you will be collected from the airport on arrival and transferred to your hotel. Here you will meet your small group of fellow travellers and your local leader for a 2pm welcome meeting. Afterwards, head out to get to know the city on a walking tour of downtown Lima with your leader. Admire the colonial buildings of Plaza Mayor and visit the eerie catacombs of the Saint Francis Monastery, then head away from the tourist trail to Alameda de Chabuca Granda – an area popular with the locals. Stop off at the colourful street food stalls to sample some of Lima’s favourite sweet treats, like Peruvian donuts and mazamorra morada; porridge made from purple corn. But be sure to leave some room as tonight’s dinner is really something special. Lima has one of the world’s most revered culinary scenes, and this evening you’ll head to one of the city’s best restaurants, set in a historic house in the artistic Barranco neighbourhood. Inspired by the home-cooked food of his mother, the creative chef offers up traditional Peruvian dishes with the atmosphere of a welcoming family home.
  2. Tag 2

    Amazon Jungle

    Today you will catch a flight to Puerto Maldonado. On arrival in the afternoon, take a bus to the community port of Infierno, home to the Ese Eja peoples, an indigenous Amazonian community. Here you’ll learn about the important relationship between the Ese Eja peoples and the natural environment during visits to a Heritage House, including a museum and demonstrations of traditional handicrafts, and the local fish farm, where you’ll find out more about sustainable fishing practices and have the chance to catch your own lunch. Sit down to a meal of fresh fish and local vegetable and take the opportunity to ask your hosts any questions you may have about their culture or customs. Then, board motorised canoes and head upstream into the Amazon rainforest. Keep an eye out for macaws, herons, alligators and capybaras along the way. Nestled on the banks of the Tambopata river you’ll find the Posada Amazonas, a rustic jungle lodge owned by the Ese Eja community, and your Feature Stay accommodation for the next two nights. A paradise for nature lovers, the lodge is in perfect unity with its wild surroundings and is enveloped by a swath of lush rainforest. Gorgeous rooms are built from traditional woods, adobe bricks and clay, and feature private bathrooms and an open wall, allowing you to make the most of the spectacular location and be totally immersed in nature. Profits from the lodge go back into the local indigenous community in the form of education and training. As dusk falls, set out for a night walk to discover the fascinating nocturnal activity in the surrounding areas, then retire to the lodge for dinner.
  3. Tag 3

    Amazon Jungle

    Embrace a very early start this morning and set off into the jungle after breakfast. Take a short walk and a short boat ride to the other side of the river, then begin a walk to the Oxbow Lake – this walk should take around an hour and a half over flat, shady terrain with plenty of stops along the way. Board an open topped catamaran to explore the lake in search of birds, monkeys and maybe some otters if you’re lucky. Return to the lodge via the same route, take some time to freshen up, then take a short walk to the Chuncho Macaw Clay Lick. As the name suggests, this clay wall attracts parrots in their hundreds who come to snack on the mineral rich clay each morning, offering visitors a close up look at these vibrant creatures. Return to the lodge for lunch and take some time to enjoy the views from your room or catch up on sleep, then in the afternoon, travel by boat to a medicinal garden where a local shaman will explain the properties of the plants and trees and offer you some local alcohol to try. This evening, enjoy a boat trip in search of caimans – with the engine turned off, you’ll be treated to the wild sounds of the jungle at night.
  4. Tag 4


    This morning you will travel back to Puerto Maldonado, then take a short flight to Cusco, the former centre of the Incan Empire. Arrive in the early afternoon and settle in to your hotel, then head out with your leader for an orientation walk to familiarise yourself with one of South America’s oldest city and get used to the high altitude. Stop by the stunning Plaza de Armas, the heart of the city, flanked with colonial buildings and ornate churches. Visit the World Heritage-listed Cusco Cathedral, built on top of an Incan palace and one of the city's greatest repositories of art. Here you will meet with a local historian guide who will provide expert insight on the colonial art, architecture and history of this magnificent building and the city surrounding it. The evening is free for your own discoveries – Cusco offers no shortage of excellent restaurants, and as night falls the city is swept up in a flurry of live music and late-night street food stalls.
  5. Tag 5


    Today you will discover more of Cusco’s charms on a walking tour with your leader. Visit the Coricancha Temple, once the most important temple in the Incan Empire. Formerly plated in thick gold, the Spanish built a Dominican church atop its walls. Meet with a local guide to uncover the secrets of the temple and the ancient civilization that first built it. Stop of at the Manos Unidas cafe – no ordinary eatery, this Intrepid Foundation supported project provides those with intellectual disabilities vocational training and practical work experience to help with future employment. Enjoy a snack and one of the best coffees in Cusco while learning about the important work of this enterprise. Afterwards, head to the San Pedro market, where you can practice your bargaining skills and take some colourful pictures, then swing by the Plaza de Armas for another look at the marvellous cathedral. The afternoon is free for further explorations – speak to your leader about the option to arrange a cooking class at a local restaurant using fair trade products, or the half-day Inkilltambo trek, exploring an archaeologic site on the city’s outskirts.
  6. Tag 6


  7. Tag 7

    Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu

  8. Tag 8


  9. Tag 9

    Lima to Cusco

  10. Tag 10


  11. Tag 11


  12. Tag 12


  13. Tag 13


  14. Tag 14


  15. Tag 15


  16. Tag 16

    Buenos Aires

  17. Tag 17

    Buenos Aires

  18. Tag 18

    Buenos Aires

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Leistungen 2024

  • Komfortables Hotel (13 Nächte), Feature Stay (2 Nächte)
  • 16x Frühstück
  • 7x Mittagessen
  • 4x Abendessen
  • Lima - Rundgang durch die Innenstadt
  • Lima - Alameda Chabuca Granda Tour und Verkostungen
  • Lima - Kloster San Francisco und die Katakomben
  • Lima - Willkommensessen
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Amazonas-Dschungel - Nacht-Bootsfahrt
  • Amazonas-Dschungel - Oxbow Lake
  • Amazonas-Dschungel - Nächtliche Dschungelwanderung
  • Cusco - Orientierungswanderung unter Leitung eines Führers
  • Cusco - Coricancha-Tempel (Eintrittsgebühr)
  • Cusco - Wandertour
  • Cusco - Kathedralentour mit spezialisiertem Historiker
  • Ollantaytambo - Archäologische Stätte
  • Heiliges Tal - Besuch der Gemeinschaftswerkstätten
  • Cusco - Sacsayhuaman
  • Heiliges Tal - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen
  • Heiliges Tal - AMA Snack und Getränk
  • Machu Picchu - Eintritt & geführter Besuch
  • Ollantaytambo - 360-Grad-Zug nach Aguas Calientes
  • Machu Picchu - Zweiter Besuch
  • Kostenloser Ankunftstransfer
  • Santiago - Willkommensessen
  • Santiago - Stadtrundfahrt
  • Santiago - Gourmet Bodega Mittagessen
  • Casablanca Valley - Weingut-Tour und Verkostung
  • Valparaiso - Pisco Sours auf dem Dach
  • Valparaiso - Rundgang
  • Valparaiso - Museum der Schönen Künste (Eintrittspreis)
  • Mendoza - Orientierungswanderung unter Anleitung
  • Mendoza - Tour zu drei Weingütern
  • Mendoza - Gourmet Mittagessen auf dem Weingut
  • Buenos Aires - Orientierungsspaziergang unter Anleitung
  • Tagesausflug Buenos Aires - Tigre Delta
  • Buenos Aires - Selbstgekochtes Mittagessen


  1. Anreise






Preise gelten ab/bis Lima, Peru
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