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Helping Hands Projekt

Helping Hands Projekt

345 Spenden haben dieses Projekt unterstützt

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UPDATE: Ysamar musste am 8. Oktober von den drei Stunden entfernten Yungas wegen einer Not-Blinddarmoperation ins Krankenhaus nach La Paz gebracht werden. Sie ist einer unserer Agronomie Studentinnen im dritten Jahr.
Nun brauchen wir Hilfe, um die Kosten fuer die Operation decken zu koennen, da sich das Jahr dem Ende zuneigt und unser Budget fuer medizinische Versorgung knapp ist. Vielen Dank!

UEBER UNS: Das Projekt Helping Hands Bolivia begann im Jahr 2004, um Jungs aus dem von der Regierung verwalteten Waisenhaus „Mendez Arcos“ in La Paz, Bolivien, Bildungsmoeglichkeiten zu geben. Seitdem wurde das Projekt erweitert und wir nehmen nun auch Maedchen und Jungs aus anderen Waisenhaeusern auf, sowie Jugendliche aus Rand- und Risikogruppen aus armen und laendlichen Regionen.
Im Jahr 2015 unterstuetzt Helping Hands 90 SchuelerInnen und StudentInnen mit Mietzuschuessen, Transportkosten, Schulmaterialien, Essensgeld, Arztgebuehren und Studiengebuehren. Die meisten unserer StudentInnen und SchuelerInnen arbeiten ausserdem halbtags, um persoenliche Kosten und Ausgaben fuer Essen zu finanzieren, da viele unserer Mitglieder keine familiaere Unterstuetzung erhalten.
Fuer mehr Informationen koenne Sie unsere Webseite oder Facebook Seite besuchen:

Dies ist ein durch die Maecenata Stiftung, München/Berlin gefördertes Projekt.
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Das Projekt „Helping Hands“ wurde ins Leben gerufen, um Jugendlichen mit sehr geringen ökonomischen Ressourcen, die Möglichkeit zu geben schulische und soziale Hilfe zu erlangen. Bitte besuchen Sie unsere Webseite:

Helping Hands Projekt

L. Zarate

Fundacion Helping Hands - La Paz (Bolivia)

Was wird benötigt

Luz Marina´s final year

Luz Marina, in her final year of Entrepreneurship at the prestigious Universidad Catolica Boliviana, will finish her coursework now and she will prepare her thesis to graduate. This is a costly process and she will need support.

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University fees for Andres

Andres has completed his university courses in Commercial Engineering and will now work on his final project to graduate. This project involves many expenses and some university payments. Good for you Andres!!

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Monthly School Payments for Estrella

Estrella is a new student studying Early Childhood Education in a 3 year programme. Estrella needs 105 euros per month for a full year to cover her institute fees and the many school materiales she needs. She is very enthusiastic about her career.

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Helping Hands Projekt

Helping Hands Projekt

€ 2.415,–

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Neuigkeiten zum Projekt

12.02.2025 We received a payout of €2,154.70

Thank you all for your support. The funds from this transfer will be used to pay for the university tuition for Andres and Luz Marina, and the technical institute fees for Estrella. 
This contribution makes a real difference in the lives of our students, helping them continue their education and pursue their dreams. 
Muchos saludos desde La Paz,

12.06.2024 We received a payout of €2,141.06

Greetings from La Paz.  

Thank you all so very much for the funds to help Liliana, Carolay and Denilson finish their studies this year.  Liliana is in her third year of Social Work,  Carolay is about to finish her studies in Early Childhood Education and Denilson finishes this year his technical studies to become an Automobile Mechanic.  Thanks to all of our donors, these students and many more will have a much brighter future. 

Muchos saludos, Linda

10.01.2024 We received a payout of €3,375.15

Dear Donors,

Once again we thank you so very much for your confidence in Helping Hands and your continued support for our students. 

The funds begin send this month will assure that 5 students can continue their studies in 2024. 

Andres is finishing his 7th semester of an 8  semester programme in Commercial Engineering at the Universidad Domingo Savio.  Andres has persisted under very difficult circumstances, and he is now nearing the completion of his studies. Helping Hands supports Andres by paying the monthly university fees and providing his family with a supplementary monthly food basket.  Andres works at a fast food fried chicken restaurant on the weekends to pay for his transportation and school supplies.  

Luz Marina will now begin her 2nd year of Entrepreneurship with a scholarship that she earned at the Universidad Catolica Boliviana.  This is a full scholarship to the programme, and it also provides her with a monthly bonus for transportation and school materials.  Helping Hands supports her when special needs arise, and also provides her family with a supplementary monthly food basket.   

Liliana is in her third year of studies of a four year programme at the state university, the UMSA, to be a Social Worker.   She receives a transportation and school materials allowance from Helping Hands.

Carolay is studying Early Childhood Education at the state university, the UPEA, and is in her fourth year of a five year programme.  Helping Hands supports Carolay with a transportation and school materials allowance, and with a monthly supplementary food basket, as she lost both of her parents and lives with her brother. 

Denilson is in his last year of Automobile Mechanics at the Don Bosco Institute.  Helping Hands supports Denilson with his transportation and school materials and a monthly supplmentary food basket, as well, as he lives alone with his grandmother who can no longer work.  

Monthly recurring donations to Helping Hands are so very important so that we can count on the monthly financing for the students.  Thank you all so very much for partnering with Helping Hands to bring education to our vulnerable youth. 

Muchos saludos, 


23.03.2023 We received a payout of €2,111.31

Thank you everyone for your partnership with Helping Hands. 

The funds arriving this month will go to support Andres, Jenny, Ingrid and Denilson in their studies for this year 2023.  Andres is in his 6th semester of studies in Commerce, Jenny in her last year of Entrepreneurship, Ingrid in her fourth semester of Early Childhood Education and Denilson in his second year of Automoble Mechanics. 

We are proud of our students for doing well and for working hard to achieve an education for a brighter outlook for the future, and we thank so very much our donors who make it possible for our students to work toward breaking the cycle of poverty.

Muchos saludos desde La Paz, 


16.03.2022 We received a payout of €933.04

Dear Donors, 

We thank you very much for your support for our students.  This month the donations received will go to help pay the monthly university fees for Andres Ascencio who is now in his fifth semester of studies in Commerce, and for Adailton Callisaya who is now beginning his second year of studies in Mechatronics at the Military Engineering School.   This support has been essential for these two boys so that they may continue their studies and look forward to a brighter future. 

Muchos saludos, 


29.09.2021 We received a payout of €1,074.43

Dear Friends and Donors,
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported Andres, Ingrid and Adailton for their studies.  The funds received with this disbursement will go to pay the educational fees for these students.   Andres is in his fourth semester of International Commerce, Ingrid in her second semester of Early Childhood Education and Adailton is in his second semester of Mecatronics Engineering with a scholarship.  Our students come from very vulnerable backgrounds and this opportunity that our donors are giving our students will be life changing. 
Again, thank you so very much. 

Fundacion Helping Hands - La Paz (Bolivia) stellt sich vor

The Fundacion Helping Hands - La Paz (Bolivia) became an official organization in October 2014. At that time it took over the running of the Helping Hands Project that had been run since 2004 by two volunteers, Linda Zarate and Marion Ibañez. The mission of our organization is to open educational opportunities to Bolivian youth of very limited economic resources. We receive many young people from local orphanages and other projects for youth at risk.
This year, 2015, we support the studies of 90 students, both girls and boys, mainly in post-secondary programmes of study in technical institutes and in local universities. We sometimes assist high school students to finish their high school diploma. At the moment we have 7 students in high school.
Besides the assistance we give to our students for the payment of universities fees, transportation, rent, food or school materials, we also provide free medical and dental care. To encourage integral personal development for the students we have obligatory monthly meetings with guest speakers who can give orientation and information to the students on such topics as responsibility, personal care, reproductive and sexual health, environmental concerns, Human Rights, and citizenship. In our office we provide computers and internet for the use of the students and the option to print out school assignments.
Our Social Worker makes home visits to new students and repeat visits whenever the need arises. She also helps to organize social events in the office for healthy recreation for the students. A good part of our mission is to broaden the horizons of our young people and help them realize their dreams of a better future.
The Helping Hands Project was originally run only by two volunteers, but the Project has grown to the point that we now employ an Assistant Director, a Social Worker, an Auxiliary Accountant and a Messenger. Our staff spends a lot of personal time with our students and keeps the students up to date on the monthly requirements they must fulfill for the Project, such as medical checkups, dental checkups, communication with sponsors, presentation of grades, etc.
2015 has been a challenging year for Helping Hands as our official status requires much more paperwork and fulfillment of government requirements and reports. However with our staff additions we are able to meet these demands.
The Fundacion Helping Hands- La Paz (Bolivia) is looking forward to many years of helping underprivileged Bolivia youth become professionals and productive citizens thereby breaking the cycle of poverty, giving their families a more sustainable future.

This organisation cooperates with the Maecenata Foundation:

Helping Hands Projekt

Fundacion Helping Hands - La Paz (Bolivia)

Calle Colombia
La Paz

Helping Hands Projekt

Helping Hands Projekt

€ 2.415,–

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