Hill Tribe Mädchen gehen zur Schule
20 Spenden haben dieses Projekt unterstützt
ASI Reisen übernimmt alle Gebühren und Transaktionskosten: 100% der Spende gehen direkt an das Projekt
Schicken Sie Hill Tribe Girls zur Schule. Bieten Sie eine sichere Umgebung für den Schulbesuch und durchbrechen Sie den Kreislauf der Armut in ihren abgelegenen Bergdörfern. Warm Heart bietet Zugang zur Schule, Nachhilfelehrer, Coaching zur Karrier

E. Schecter
Warm Heart Worldwide, Inc.
Was wird benötigt
Annual cost to sponsor one girl in school - girl 3
1320 Euros a year (110 euros monthly) supports one child for a year. This need is our core funding; we do not have any other sources. Right now we have 8 girls without sponsors. Our sponsors receive updates about their specific child.
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Annual cost to sponsor one girl in school - girl 2
1320 Euros a year (110 euros monthly) supports one child for a year. This need is our core funding; we do not have any other sources. Right now we have 8 girls without sponsors. Our sponsors receive updates about their specific child.
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Hill Tribe Mädchen gehen zur Schule
€ 2.345,–
werden noch benötigt
ist bereits finanziert
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Neuigkeiten zum Projekt
02.05.2024 We received a payout of €550.87
The Warm Heart Foundation provides a safe, nurturing environment so the girls can graduate from high school and go on to college. This costs more and more as they succeed in finishing 6th grade, then 9th grade, and then high school. We take girls starting in kindergarten and support them through high school. Right now, we have 16 girls, ages 10 to 18. These funds go to provide uniforms, school bus, meals, medical care, caregivers, school fees, and school supplies for the girls at our Children's Homes
23.03.2023 We received a payout of €39.00
Thank you for these funds to support our girls!The Warm Heart Foundation provides a safe, nurturing environment so the girls can graduate from high school and go on to college. This costs more and more as they succeed in finishing 6th grade, then 9th grade, and then high school. We take girls starting in kindergarten and support them through high school. Right now, we have 20 girls, ages 4 to 18. These funds go to provide uniforms, school bus, meals, medical care, caregivers, school fees, and school supplies for the girls at our Children's Homes.
26.01.2022 We received a payout of €48.75
The Warm Heart Foundation provides a safe, nurturing environment so the girls can graduate from high school and go on to college. This costs more and more as they succeed in finishing 6th grade, then 9th grade, and then high school. We take girls starting in kindergarten and support them through high school. Right now, we have 20 girls, ages 4 to 18. These funds go to provide uniforms, school bus, meals, medical care, caregivers, school fees, and school supplies for the girls at our Children's Homes. With COVID 19 restrictions in place, the girls are studying at the Childre's Home. Our staff and after-school teachers work with each child to make sure that she continues her studies. We have been able to add additional English language conversation classes, as well.
24.11.2021 We received a payout of €146.25
The Warm Heart Foundation provides a safe, nurturing environment so the girls can graduate from high school and go on to college. This costs more and more as they succeed in finishing 6th grade, then 9th grade, and then high school. We take girls starting in kindergarten and support them through high school. Right now, we have 18 girls, ages 4 to 18. These funds go to provide uniforms, school bus, meals, medical care, caregivers, school fees, and school supplies for the girls at our Children's Homes. With COVID 19 restrictions in place, the girls are studying at the Childre's Home. Our staff and after-school teachers work with each child to make sure that she continues her studies. We have been able to add additional English language conversation classes, as well.
17.02.2021 We received a payout of €48.75
The Warm Heart Foundation provides a safe, nurturing environment so the girls can graduate from high school and go on to college. We have been able to keep the girls in school despite the pandemic lockdowns. We take girls starting in kindergarten and support them through high school. These funds go to provide uniforms, school bus, meals, medical care, caregivers, school fees, and school supplies for the girls at our Children's Homes.
06.01.2021 We received a payout of €195.00
Thank you for your investment in these girls. The school year started up again in July, six weeks late due to the pandemic. With low infection rates outside of the cities, classrooms have gone back to a regular school schedule. The Warm Heart Foundation provides a safe, nurturing environment so the girls can graduate from high school and go on to college. This costs more and more as they succeed in finishing 6th grade, then 9th grade, and then high school. We take girls starting in kindergarten and support them through high school. Right now, we have 23 girls, ages 10 to 18. These funds go to provide uniforms, the school bus, meals, medical care, caregivers, school fees, and school supplies for the girls at our Children's Homes.
Warm Heart Worldwide, Inc. stellt sich vor
Warm Heart ist eine Basisorganisation, welche die thailändische Dorfbevölkerung im nördlich gelegenen Bezirk Phrao in der Nähe von Chiang Mai unterstützt. Wir organisieren Gemeinschaftsprojekte, die den Zugang zu einer besseren Bildung und einer basalen medizinischen Versorgung ermöglichen, schaffen Arbeitsplätze, die die Ärmsten der Region mit einem regelmäßigem Einkommen versorgen, und achten stark auf den Erhalt der Umwelt für zukünftige Generationen. Warm Heart ist kein Wohltätigkeitsverein. Unsere Programme sollen akute Not lindern, indem sie den Betroffenen helfen, sich durch die örtlich erhältlichen Ressourcen zu selbst helfen.
Seit unserer Gründung im Juli 2008 haben unsere Philosphie und Programme verschiedene positive Auswirkungen gehabt. Unser Kinderheim erlaubt über 50 Kindern einen Zugang zu einer Schulbildung; unser Bergvölker-Vorsprung-Programm bereitet drei- bis fünfjährige Kinder in abgelegenen Akha Dörfern auf die thailändischen Schulen vor; unser Kleinunternehmerprojekt bringt örtlichen Handwerkern täglich Gewinn ein; Wasserprojekte versorgen über 4,500 Personen mit sauberen Wasser; 1,450 schwangere und stillende Frauen und deren Kinder erhalten täglich Vitamine von Warm Heart; das Gemeindezentrum in Hoi Sai bietet das einzige Tagesprogramm für Senioren und Behinderte in ganz Phrao an; und unser integriertes Gemeinschaftsentwicklungsprogramm lehrt den Dorfbewohnern der Bergvölker den Anbau von Kaffee und stellt gleichzeitig von Erosion betroffene Berglandschaften wieder her.
Warm Heart ist tief verwurzelt in der thailändischen Kultur und besitzt gleichzeitig einen globalen Ausblick. Unser Personal besteht aus 20 ortsansässigen Thais und 10 bis 12 internationalen Voluntären aus allen Altersgruppen und Lebenshintergründen. Warm Heart ist eine nahtlose Partnerschaft von zwei legalen Organisationen: Warm Heart Worldwide, Inc., eine amerikanische NGO, die in den Staat New Jersey eingebunden ist, und die Warm Heart Stiftung, eine beim thailändischen Innenministerium registrierte und eingemeindete Stiftung.
Diese Organisation kooperiert mit der Maecenata Stiftung:

Warm Heart Worldwide, Inc.
61 M.8 T.Maepang
50190 A.Phrao

Hill Tribe Mädchen gehen zur Schule
€ 2.345,–
werden noch benötigt
ist bereits finanziert
SpenderInnen unterstützen dieses Projekt
Hilf mit und
mache einen Unterschied
ASI Reisen übernimmt alle Gebühren und Transaktionskosten:
100% der Spende geht direkt an das Projekt!
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